“What was that?” my father said. It seems that for the past couple of years, my father’s hearing has deteriorated but refused to acknowledge the loss. He’ll say that he can hear but has trouble distinguishing words. He also claims that it takes him “a little longer” to think about a response to what someone is saying.
Naturally, my mother insisted he take a hearing exam. When they arrived, the otolaryngologist greeted my father and escorted him to the exam room. No surprise to my mother that after conducting a few exams, the doctor recommended different hearing aid options. As he’s presenting them, my father asks him a couple of questions. The doctor then leans toward my father and says, “what was that?” At that moment, my father realizes the otolaryngologist also has hearing aids.
Somewhat amused at the situation, he asks the doctor why he’s wearing a different kind of hearing aid than the one he recommends to my father. “Oh, I’m seriously deaf. This hearing aid picks-up sounds from the sides, back, and front. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to hear anything.”
After receiving the hearing aid, my father is now able to hear what he’s been missing. It took a little getting used to, but he notices the distinguishable difference—no more mumbling sounds, just clear conversations.
His story reminds me of how many times we wish we could hear God’s audible voice giving us clear direction for our life. We seem to hear lots of mumbling but never clear about what precisely to do. However, there is a way to hear and discern God’s voice if we use the right hearing aids. These hearing aids are the Holy Spirit and the Bible.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Romans 10:16-17.
How do you hear and discern the voice of God? Pray and ask God for the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will make reading His word and prayer a daily part of your life. Also, how will you apply what you learn?
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.