Not long ago, my mother told me stories of challenges and hardships she and my father endured when they arrived in this country. She recalls the difficulty in learning the language, adapting to the culture, and financial difficulties.
Over the years, she did learn the language, studied, and eventually earned a career in banking. She also recounted how hard it was to balance a hectic work schedule, family life, and education. Regardless, she persevered because she wanted to help and make sure we never went without.
Throughout all that time, she made us, her three children, and my father a priority above all else. The family came first no matter what. She instilled in us a good work ethic, taught us valuable life principles, lead us to a relationship with God, and demonstrated unconditional love.
Today I see the same values in my wife. The word says these women are more valuable than precious stones, and we must be appreciative of this blessing in our lives. This story reminds us to honor our mother and/or mother of our children for their role in our life.
FX3 Daily D:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Proverbs 31:10-29 for your self.
How have you honored your mother and/or mother of your children lately? Be real, be honest, and be vulnerable.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Plan and commit to how you will consistently honor these women. Be specific.
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