In the documentary, A Story of Healing, five nurses, four anesthesiologists, and three plastic surgeons travel over 30 hours to a province in Vietnam from the United States to help children with various malformations, congenital disabilities, and injuries. With limited resources, the team embarks on the ambitious task of operating on 110 children in a remote province in the Mekong Delta. Throughout the documentary, we hear from the medical professionals, the children, and the families involved with the initiative.
The doctors recall the vast poverty and deprivation of this society and how they do their best to “make a living and survive.” As they arrive at the local hospital, they’re encounter swarms of people waiting for treatment. What’s most striking is that most people have walked over two hours to reach the hospital. Once there, they all camp out on the hospital property as traveling back and forth is too arduous.
On the first day alone, the team saw over 109 patients to evaluate their medical issues. Despite the limits of language, less than ideal medical facilities, and limited resources, the team performs over 110 reconstructive surgeries over a couple of weeks. During that time, they form friendships, help train other medical professionals, and help start the healing process for the patients and the town.
This documentary reminds me of how Jesus did the same for a group of lepers. He graciously and mercifully grants healing to ten lepers who asked for healing without expecting anything in return. Yet despite this miracle, only one returns to glorify Him. We, too, should help others not because we expect something in return but because Christ does the same for us.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and think about Luke 17:11-18.
Pray and ask for God to grant you the grace and mercy to help others without expecting anything in return.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Continue to meditate on the verse and think about what you will do for others while avoiding recognition for yourself.
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.