Recently I purchased a new compound bow. The bow came with calibration notes, signatures of approval, and information regarding the set-up. According to the manufacturer, the bow was ready to shoot.
I, however, know this is impossible because each bow requires customization to its user. What this means is that at minimum, draw length and draw weight is adjusted. After this, comes even more specific adjustments such as sight setting, bow balance, etc.
Although all of these adjustments are important for an effective shot, there are other adjustments only a professional compound bow technician can adjust. Knowing this, I called my fellow brother, Captain Donovan.
I reached out to Donovan because he owns and operates a successful bow fishing company, and he’s also a formally trained bow tuner. In addition to this, large retailers reach out to him to train their staff on bow tuning. As he evaluated the set-up of my bow, he realized a few settings were off.
“You know, many people think they can grab a bow off the shelf and start shooting. Nothing could be further from the truth. People should buy the best they can afford and then have it professionally tuned to them.”
He then followed up by saying, “This is why people go crazy, making adjustments everywhere and get frustrated. They blame the arrow, change their grips, adjust their sights, etc. Eventually, they pick-up bad habits and can never really dial in their shots.” After he finished dialing in my bow, I was shooting those arrows dead center. It was such a joy knowing I was set-up for success. I now know continued success will come down to consistent practice.
This story reminds me of how we must all start with the right foundation for any endeavor we want to take up. Whether it’s a hobby, work, or even transforming our spiritual life. We must seek out help to guide and get us set-up the right way.
The difference between failure and success means getting started with the right foundation with help from the right people.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Proverbs 19:20-21 for yourself.
Where or to whom do you turn to for help regarding what matters? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
First, seek God’s help and then pray for a man or men who can help you on your journey. Be specific.
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Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.