Growing up, most of the messages I received about manhood came from my father’s example as well as the media and movies. The era I grew up in was all about muscle bound men fighting the world, taking revenge and overcoming obstacles on their own. Real men buckled down and did what needed to be done. You didn’t cry or show weakness.
I recall a few occasions working with my dad on home repair and construction projects. On various occasions, when we had to use a saw, I would cover my ears because of the loud cutting sound. I instinctively thought it couldn’t be good for your ears. When I did, my dad would sometimes yell out and ask me what I was doing. “Stop covering your ears and hold it right!” He’d yell. “C’mon, man up and hold it right”.
The irony of this situation was I didn’t listen. “I’m not losing my hearing. I know better than that.” I replied. He respected that and in time started bringing home ear plugs for us to use.
We need to be aware of what kind of messages we receive about being a man, especially from other men.
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Matthew 7:24. What does this verse say to you?
What messages have you heard are hearing about being a man?
Meditate / Make It Real:
How does this compare to what God says a man is in His word?