There’s no denying we’re going through some tumultuous times. The stock market looks like a twisted roller coaster ride, people are fighting over toiletries, unemployment is rising, everyone is self-quarantining, social distancing is the new norm, and worry is reigning supreme.
Because of this pandemic, people are experiencing uncertainty on a world-wide scale. Never in my lifetime did I imagine I would see what’s happening now. The level of fear and anxiety is so high that it’s leading many to do very irrational things. Men! Now more than ever, we’re called to be warriors, not worriers.
Let’s look at the six characteristics of a warrior.
- Warriors are confident. They know the worst-case scenario but instead, focus on the best outcome.
- Warriors are mentally strong. They override the irrational with rational thought.
- Warriors are proactive. They actively maintain calm in the storm and don’t let themselves be taken away by the situation.
- Warriors are disciplined. They integrate discipline as a daily routine into their life and follow a formula.
- Warriors are brave. They face situations head-on. This doesn’t mean they irresponsibly put themselves in danger but rather face the fear regardless of how they feel.
- Warriors trust their training. They’ve prepared in advance how to respond to a situation and also take into account they may be called to improvise. They train for trouble before it comes.
Scripture tells us that we find hope and strength in knowing God fulfills his promises. He promises to be with us through trials and fire.
The reason we go through these trials and troubles is because he’s working to strengthen our faith into something powerful. He’s focused on the future and in the process telling us we are warriors and not to be worriers.
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read 1 Peter 1:6-7 for yourself. Meditate on it, memorize it. Do whatever it takes until it sinks in. What do these verses say to you?
Face the Facts:
How do you handle worry and fear? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest. be vulnerable.
Forge In Fellowship:
Determine how you will handle worry and fear. After you complete this go out and share this with fellow brother. Teach what you’ve learned and have them hold you accountable.