Although I was not born in the U.S, as a U.S citizen, I have the same rights and privileges as those born in the U.S. When I became a citizen; I didn’t change my name, ethnicity, or cultural background. What changed was that I now identify as a U.S. citizen instead of with my country of origin.
All personal forms of identification I now carry display my traits such as hair color, eye color, height, etc. These ID’s remind me that although I’m a citizen, what makes me, me, never changed. Many men live their lives, thinking they’re still citizens of this world, living by this world’s rules.
Many men believe that living a Christian life means we’re all to look, act, and behave the same. This idea is not accurate. God created you with unique abilities, skills, characteristics, and interests to express and use them in the right way.
As Kingdom citizens, we’re to live according to our new identity, not our old worthless one. We’re also not asked to give up our personality, what makes us, us. But instead, we’re to use all of our God-given talents, resources, and gifts for His glory.
Scripture tells us that God values his creation and acknowledges your uniqueness in Revelation 7:9. Today take the time to embrace your new identity and personality; instead of thinking, you must give one up over the other.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Revelation 7:9 for yourself.
How do you identify yourself? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and create a plan on how you will combine your identity in Christ with your personality.
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