“It seems like you may need reading glasses.” said the optometrist. This revelation came as no surprise to me. For months I noticed I had to draw documents and books a bit farther away for reading. The letter seemed blurred close up, but I could pull the reding material far enough away for the letters to be eligible at the proper distance. Now I faced the fact I needed reading glasses. “What do I need?” I asked. “Not too much, just enough for you to read easily, without straining like you used to.” He handed me the prescription and then walked me over to the fitting station.
As this was all new to me, I must have tried on dozens of frames. Large, small, frameless, stylish frames, etc. After almost an hour, I decided on a pair and placed my order. “It will take about seven to ten days to receive your new glasses.” said the lady behind the counter. “We will then contact you, and you can come by and pick them up.” And so I went on my way waiting for their call.
Sure enough, around eight days later, I received a text and email advising me that my new glasses were ready. I eagerly headed to the optometrist, and when I arrived, they handed me my new glasses. To try them out, I grabbed some literature they had on the counter and attempted to read it without glasses. When I put on the new glasses, I was amazed at how the letter now seemed “magnified”. They were so much easier to read!
This story reminds me of how many of us have a blurred vision of our world. Sometimes things don’t appear clear and challenging to see. For this reason, God instructs us to put on our spiritual reading glasses and see the world through His word. Things will become clear and easier to understand what God is trying to show us when we do.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Psalm 119:18.
Open my eyes, that I may behold
wondrous things out of your law.
Pray and ask for God to help you understand His word and how to apply it to your daily life.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Today take the time to read the Word and meditate on a passage which stands out to you. Ponder or memorize the verse throughout the day.