Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all? To which the magic mirror replies, there is another “more fair than thee.” Envious of this news, the evil Queen sets out to eliminate Snow White to regain her position as the “fairest in the land.”
Unfortunately for the evil Queen, her vanity eventually leads to her destruction. The irony of the movie that her quest to be the “fairest” runs contrary to being the just that. She does many evil and wicked things.
The original animated film released in 1937 still rings true. Today more than ever, we’re living in a society where the focus is solely on the individual. “Do what’s best for you. Your happiness is the most important thing. You deserve more. What’s in it for me?”
This philosophy is self-worship, veiled as self-love. Yet, scripture reminds us that the most valued quality in a person is self-sacrifice. Self-sacrificing is not about giving up your identity but rather, identifying with Christ to accomplish greater things.
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on Romans 12:1-2 for yourself. Meditate on them, memorize them, do whatever it takes for them to sink in.
Face the Facts:
Take a hard look in the mirror today and ask yourself who the man before you is? Be real, be honest, and be vulnerable.
Forge and Fellowship:
How will you start living more for others? Journal the journey and/or share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.