My father in law is big into all things weaponry and all related memorabilia. Knowing this, I’m always on the lookout for exciting artifacts that may interest him. One such item was a grenade. Whenever I visit family up north, I like to stop at a nearby army surplus store to see what they have. This time, before leaving, I reminded him of what I saw and whether he’d be interested. Without hesitation, he said, “yes.”
When I arrived at the depot, I walked through various aisles, all stacked and filled with used military items. From fatigues to shovels, many of the items were at some time used by military personnel. When I reached the small arms section, I saw many deactivated items such as bullets, smoke bombs, frags, and grenades. I then stooped down and picked up one of the old-era MK II “pineapple” grenades my father-in-law wanted.
As I picked up this deactivated grenade, I noticed it felt and looked like the red deal. However, when I turned it over, I saw the hole at the bottom. This hole serves as clear evidence the grenade is empty of the explosive. At one point, this grenade could’ve been used to kill or overcome the enemy effectively. Now, it was just a dud.
My story reminds me of how many of us are living like duds. We proclaim to be filled with the Spirit, and yet when times get tough, we think we’re powerless against the enemy. However, the reality is that everyone who calls on the name of Jesus and knows him as Lord and savior is a powerful weapon against the enemy. This power is only possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Acts 1:8.
What does power mean for you? Pray and ask God to remind you of what that power is given to you by the Holy Spirit.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will start to live victorious, knowing you are equipped to do so.
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.