Rehydrate and Refresh Your Life
The other day while watching a survivalist show, the host started talking about the limits and pitfalls of starvation. He said there’s no hard and fast rule regarding how long a person can last without food depending on factors such as body weight, genetic variation, and other health considerations. For example, there are well-documented cases of individuals on hunger strikers surviving 28, 36, 38, and even 40 days without food.
Starvation is still somewhat of a mystery to medical science as the body’s ability to alter its metabolism is not fully understood. For instance, medical practitioners have reported numerous cases of near-total starvation from patients suffering from varying conditions and end-stage malignancies such as cancer, losing up to half their body weight yet still surviving.
Despite the human body’s resiliency to adapt and survive on a minimal amount of food, hydration is one factor essential to staying alive. Amazingly, an average person can only survive about three days without water. However, the process of dehydration before getting to that point is terrible. People first start to experience thirst, then fatigue. Shortly after, the blood begins thickening, and the organs start shutting down. Eventually, the person dies.
Scripture reminds us that our spiritual life is the same. We become malnourished when we starve ourselves by not practicing the spiritual disciplines. We can manage to “get by” for some time, but this is not the optimal way to live. However, when we cut off God’s word and God, the living water, we quickly dry up our spirit, leading to spiritual death.
Take time today to draw near to God by practicing the fundamental spiritual disciplines ( read, pray, meditate, and fellowship) and fill yourself with the living water you desperately need. When you do, God will rehydrate and refresh your life.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Isaiah 55:1
“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Pray to draw near to God and thirst for His word.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Contemplate and meditate on or memorize the passage. What is God saying to you? Then, determine what you will do with what you’ve learned.
Share / Show:
Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.