I’ve been working out now for almost 30 years. It all stared when I was thirteen and looking to make a change to my scrawny build. As I progressed, I started to notice awesome changes and never stopped. I’ve done just about every sport and training methodology you can think of.
Over the years I’ve become stronger and leaner. But as time has gone on, I started to notice my muscles would become strained and took longer to recover. I also noticed that working out was making my muscles tighter.
Recently I was reading a book on a top athlete that couldn’t pin point his physical ailments. After much tests and diagnostics they couldn’t find anything wrong with him physically. Then he remembered a lesson from long ago. He remembered taking stretching exercises from a professional trainer. The trainer claimed that many injuries and chronic physical ailments among athletes could be traced back to limited range of motion and tight muscles.
He then started to stretch 30 minutes a day, then an hour and then finally six hours ( he had a lot of time on his hands). After a few weeks he was miraculously healing. His muscles loosened up, recovered, and were strengthened by the stretching. I too have witnessed similar results since I started to stretch.
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Hebrews 11:6. What is this verse saying to you?
How is your faith being stretched to strengthen your walk with God?
Meditate / Make It Real:
How can you deliberately seek to stretch your faith for massive gains in your life?