As a tea drinker, my mother kindly bought me a large box with an assortment of teas upon returning from her travels. The box contained mint tea, chamomile tea, assorted herbal tea, matico tea, rose tea, and a few other such varietals. I was unfamiliar with most of these as I usually drink Earl Grey or black tea. Curious, I decided to research these teas.
To my surprise, it turns out that many of these teas have significant health benefits. For instance, mint tea is rich in nutrients, can help improves digestion, may help relieve indigestion, could improve brain function, possibly aid with cold symptoms, mask bad breath, and serve as aromatherapy.
Also, consider the benefits of rose tea. Rose tea is rich in antioxidants, which may help alleviate certain grams and pains, has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, reduces the severity of allergic reactions, and many other related benefits.
After researching the remaining teas in the box, I realized that all of the teas provided health benefits for specific purposes. It wasn’t until I took the time to research and study those teas in-depth that I became aware of their potential. My mother’s gift reminds me of how the bible is the same. It’s full of benefits not only for our physical but spiritual health. All we need to do is take the time to study and savor it.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Psalm 34:8-10.
When was the last time you dove deep into the Bible and savored it’s contents? Pray and ask God to give you the desire and wisdom to consume it.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will fully take in a savor the benefits of reading and studying the Bible. What’s your plan of action?
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.