I couldn’t believe almost twenty years had passed since I bought that apartment. Nearly twenty years ago, I lived with my parents and saved money because I planned on buying a house with my then-fiance. It was also the time I was in the process of rededicating my life to Christ.
Before this, I was living a selfish and reckless life. Every choice I made revolved around my happiness and satisfaction. As the years wore on, I realized nothing would ever fill me. Every day my emotional and spiritual fuel tank was empty until one day, the Lord called me back.
The decision to rededicate my life to Christ caused an upheaval. The relationship with that young woman came to an end, certain friendships dissolved, and my priorities changed. Called to start anew, I told my parents it was time for me to leave home and start a new life.
As I contemplated all that’s transpired from that first day, I realized God is always in control. A few months after moving in, I ended up meeting my wife. We then had three awesome boys and made great memories before outgrowing the place and buying a house.
Between then and now, I’ve seen God’s hand in every step and every decision we’ve made since then. Today I’m eternally grateful for his grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Most importantly, our journey has not been without its challenges. However, looking back, I see a plan unfolding, and honored we’re included in what He’s doing.
It all started with a single step of obedience.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Romans 8:28-30.
What is God calling you to do and what’s stopping you from taking that first step? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God for forgiveness in delaying the obedience. Then commit to taking action. Be specific. Be specific.
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