The other day while speaking with a fellow brother, he mentioned how he was having all of his A.C. ducts replaced and large portions of drywall. It seems he recently noticed a large amount of water and wetness behind some walls. Concerned the issue was related to his A.C., he called another brother who owns an A.C service and repair company.
After conducting a thorough inspection of the system, he advised him that the original builders improperly installed all of the ducts. It turns out this was a problem from the very beginning but never addressed. Now it was going to take an enormous amount of time and money to make it right.
The professional estimates the job will take a couple of weeks. The rectification involves the demolition of walls, replacement of ducts, removal of mold, and other similar tasks. My friend also has to deal with the insurance company to cover the costs.
His story reminds me of how we are all prone to a similar situation when sin starts its destructive process. It may begin somewhere in your life in a place no one sees or knows about. If left unattended, it will grow with disastrous consequences, later resulting in the complete demolition of your life.
We see this when, David hiding his sins, is approached by Nathan. Nathan then tells him what God says, and David then breaks down and confesses.
Take time today to inspect your life and steps to irradicate that sin, which can destroy.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Psalm 51:1-9.
What sin or issue are you hiding behind your “wall”? Your wall could be anything to cover up that sin. Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God for forgiveness and restoration. Then take steps to rectify your life with the help of Christ. Be specific.
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