Recently many small businesses have suffered losses due to the quarantine orders. Thousands have gone under while others are barely hanging on. Not surprisingly, all small business owners still open are looking for how to survive.
My friend Steve works for one such business owner. The other day the owner came into the pizza store and asked Steve what he was doing. Puzzled, Steve asked him what he meant by that question.
It turns out that Steve’s pizza shop was only down 10% compared to that of the other stores who’s sales were down 40-50%. Steve looked him straight in the eyes and answered: “I pray for this store every day.”
The owner was looking for some magic formula he could use on the other stores, but the reality is that Steve continues doing what he always did—working hard, using his job as a ministry, and being a good steward.
When he told this story, I replied: “You’re a modern-day Joseph.” I said this because it reminded me of Joseph’s story. Wherever he went, the Lord blessed him and all those around him.
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on Genesis 41:37-41, 54-55 for yourself. Meditate on them, memorize them, do whatever it takes for them to sink in.
Face the Facts:
How do you live out your faith at work so others see Christ in you? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest.
Forge in Fellowship:
What will you start doing today so others will be blessed because of your relationship with God? Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.