I’m a mountain man. I love the towering heights of those massive rocks and thinking about the intense forces required to form them. As such, we quite often take a vacation in the mountains.
This past summer, we decided to visit the Smokey Mountains. When there, we enjoy many outdoor activities. One of our favorite activities is tubing along one of the remarkable rivers in the area.
This one day we spent almost all day on the river. What’s tiring about tubing is the fact that when you get downstream, you need to walk the entire distance of the river back upstream with your tube in hand, to do it all over again. Factor into this the river current if you fall in or walk out.
After tubing all day, all of us were exhausted, particularly my youngest. As we reached the bottom of the river and started to get out, he could barely drag his tube and wade through the water. The current and weight of the tube were too much for him.
Upon seeing this, I immediately said, “Hang on!” and picked him up, hoisted him on my back, and grabbed his tube and mine each in one hand. He held on tightly as I cut through the current, working hard to keep my balance over the rocky surface. We eventually reached the other side safely and headed home.
My story reminds me we also have a Father ready to help us out when we’re going through rough waters. He promises to be with us to help get through to the other side.
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on Isaiah 43:2 for yourself. Meditate on them, memorize them, do whatever it takes for them to sink in.
Face the Facts:
What rivers are you facing which seem impossible to cross? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest.
Forge in Fellowship:
How will you let your heavenly Father help you get across? Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.