As I was finishing my quiet time and sipping my warm tea, my ten-year-old son greeted me with a big hug, smile, and “good morning.” I asked him if he slept well and joked with him briefly. I then asked him about his plans for the day.
He looked at me and said. “You know last night when you and Mami went to walk the dog, Izaak was throwing pillows at me, and I told him to stop. When he didn’t stop, I got mad and threw a pillow at him, but I missed and knocked the lamp over. It now has a chip.” As he finished his sentence, I could see his eyes start swelling with tears. “I’m sorry papi.”
Inside I was upset, but I took a deep breath and looked at what was before me. My son decided it was better to tell the truth, and face the consequence than to hope I would never notice. I was so proud of him that I thanked him for his honesty, advised him not to react to situations out of anger, asked him what he’d learned, and told him not to worry about it.
I now see the chip, not as a blemish but rather an encouragement of the values my wife and I work so hard at instilling in our children. God doesn’t promise or guarantee our kids will turn out the way we think, but we do our part and pray for Him to bring out their best.
FX3 Daily D:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on 2 Timothy 3:14-16 for yourself.
What are you doing to impart God’s laws and love in your children? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Create a plan of action on how you will allow consistently teach and model God’s word for your family and pray over them. Be specific.
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Share this with another man and have them hold you accountable.