As a boy genius I one day decided I was going to make a rocket powered skateboard. I figured just like in the cartoons, if fire was applied to the end of a skateboard it would propel the skateboard super fast. Seemed logical. Fire equals propulsion. In order to make this work, I needed something to burn, fuel and fire. Logically, I used straw from a broom end. Check. Next, I used my skateboard. Check. Now I needed fire, so I found some matches. Check.
I proceeded to tie the straw to the end of the broom and then stood back slightly as I reached over to light the straw with a match. Nothing. The straw just would not take. I must be low on fuel I thought. Then I walked into the garage and pulled out a gas can. I poured gas on the straw and struck a match. This time there was a small flame but no propulsion! It must need more gas! As I started to our gas onto the small flame, all of a sudden, I saw this fire trail start coming up the stream of into the tank. In a panic I threw it to the side and saw it burst into a large ball of flame.
Apparently in my panic, I mistakenly threw it towards the house. The ball of flame grew into a tower of flame which started to reach the corner of the roof! Again, using cartoon logic, I grabbed a garden hose and started to spray water on it. Guess what? It made it worse. Overwhelmed by the situation now out of my control, I ran into the house and yelled out “FIRE. THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!” My parents and their guests came rushing out and my eventually father smothered the fire with sand.
What I meant for good turned out to be bad. My idea for using fire was to propel and drive me forward. Instead, I almost ended up burning up the house. So much of the fire we carry as men is misguided. We start off with good intentions but in the end, turn out burning down our homes, bodies, lives and futures.
Fire can be bad but also good. It all depends on who’s harnessing it and for what purpose.
Fire is a good thing when used responsibly.
Leadership Challenge:
What are the things in your life you’re passionate about? How are they or can they be used for the benefit of others?