As I surveyed the lawn, I noticed the grass was drying up. The soil was sandy, and the grass blades were turning brown. It’s been a few months since I last ran the sprinklers. Almost eight months, to be exact. There was little need to water the lawn before this, as there’s never a lack of rain. Now a couple of months into our Florida “winter”, the rainfall was minimal. However, we can still maintain that green grass year-round by watering our lawns.
The reason for my procrastination in running the sprinklers was due to the fact there were three sprinklers broken. I knew I would have to dig up all three, repair the pipes, and test the connections. Although not difficult, this was an added burden to my already busy schedule. Now faced with a bigger issue of the grass dying off, I made the necessary repairs.
Afterward, I did as usual and turned on the sprinkler well pump to test my work. To my surprise, the sprinkler pump was running, but there was no water coming out. I then attempted to close some valves, run the pump a little longer, and other troubleshooting steps. Nothing seemed to work. Discouraged and now, with sunset approaching, I decided to tackle the problem the next day.
After researching and calling a couple of friends, they recommended I prime the pump with some water. Priming the pump was a first for me as after more than eight years living in my home, it was never necessary. There seemed to be no easy way to do this, but I eventually devised a way. Finally, after rigging up the system and priming the pump, the sprinkler system was fully operational. It was immensely satisfying seeing my efforts rewarded and knowing the thirsty grass was now soaking in the life-giving water.
My story reminds me of how our spiritual life can also dry up from lack of supplying it with life-giving water. Without realizing it, we could be entering into a drought and find it challenging to get the pump going again. What’s necessary is a “priming” of the pump by reading the Word, praying, and gathering with fellow believers who can encourage us.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on John 7:37-38.
Pray and ask God to “prime” your spirit to soak in his word and hear his voice.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Continue to pray the verse and meditate on the thought: Determine the state of your spiritual life and determine if it’s green or dry and what you will do about it?
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