Not too long ago one of my sons had an issue with a “friend” at school. It seems that although he called himself a friend, he kept doing mischievous things to him. From writing in his books to hiding his lunch box. Nothing too grievous but to me, showed a lack of respect.
Everything in me said he should “Teach him a lesson. Get him back”. Who did this kid think he was? Why would he continue to do these things after my son asked and warned him various times to stop. Ecclesiastes reminds us there’s a time for everything and to me, the time for peace had passed.
Then the next day during our devotional I was convicted by Matthew 5:43-48. It reminded me there is a process to dealing with enemies. We’re to first love them. This means we pray for them first and then seek God’s guidance on how to proceed. Regardless, every action we take must be from a position of love. Easier said than done.
My son was the bigger man (need to add physically as well) and prayed for him. God gave my son wisdom on how to deal with the situation. He rightfully addressed the kid and gave him the opportunity to change. The kid has since made a change for the better. He did in fact, “Teach him a lesson”.
As Christians we’re not called to be passive but we are called to always be in prayer.
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Matthew 5:43-48. What do these verses say to you?
How are you/have you dealt with your enemy in the past? What was the result?
Meditate / Make It Real:
What can you start doing to deal with your enemy the way Jesus did?