When we purchased our home almost eight years ago, the mango tree in our backyard was already a few years old. The previous owner was very proud of this mango as he planted it as a seedling and finally enjoying the fruit of his investment. He spoke extensively about the species and history of the mango.
For the first few years, the mango tree bore a few mangoes during the season but never a great deal. The tree requires little to no maintenance other than one year when I sprayed it with an organic anti-fungal spray. I also occasionally fertilize it during the blooming season. Other than this, I let nature do the rest.
This past season we enjoyed a great deal more mangos than before, and they bloomed longer. Our family enjoys them much and more so when the squirrel’s don’t get to them. It’s now time to prune the tree so that next year, it may yield even more.
My mango tree reminds me how some of us are to plant and others to water, but God does the growing. We’re to be obedient to our calling regardless of whether we see the fruit of our labor or witness someone else’s efforts. One day He promises to reward our faithfulness, but for now, calls us to trust in him.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on 1 Corinthians 3:5-9.
What are you called to do for God’s field? Plant or water? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God to help guide you on how to plant or water for His glory. Be specific.
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