A couple of months ago, my parents decided they were selling their home in Florida and moving closer to my sister in Georgia. In a matter of weeks, they put their home on the market, sold it, packed their belongings, and headed up north. It seemed a bit rushed, but I said if it’s the Lord’s will, then it shall be.
Within a week after moving, my parents told me they’re driving back down due to a closing issue. It seems there was a clerical error whereby a $150,000 lien showed up against the mortgage. In a panic, they decide to race down and sort it all out.
Fourteen hours later, they arrive at our door with two carry on’s some pillows and a look of worry and fatigue. What ensues over the next few weeks is more stress, anxiety, and frustration. Despite all this, my boys still see the fun-loving, cheerful, and playful grandparents they love. Whenever they’re with them, they are laughing, joking, and spoiled rotten.
What amazes me most about my parents is how they set aside all of her worries to give my kids the joy of childhood. They leave the chaos behind and only focus on them. Their example convicted me because I let my worries taint my time with my family.
Seeing them and my boys laughing and playing reminded me that I need to change my mind frame. I can’t let life’s stresses weigh me down and take them down too. I need to choose to be joyful. I need to be optimistic for them and show them God’s joy in a challenging world.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Psalm 94:19.
How are you sharing joy instead of fear and anxiety with your loved ones? Pray and ask God for the joy only he can provide.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will give God your worries and fear and share joy with your loved ones. What is your plan of action?
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.