Lately, my boys and I have been riding our bikes together almost every day. It’s been enjoyable for all four of us to head out and take to the streets together. However, on one day, there was a minor incident.
We usually ride single file down the street. I do this to teach the boys what I learned when I used to ride in a peloton. Most importantly, I teach them to look back and be aware of the rider behind them.
The other day when we were riding, for some reason, my oldest decided to break off on his own and ride back for something but didn’t tell anyone. As we rode ahead, I looked back and realized he was quite a distance behind us but on the floor. Seeing this, we immediately all rode back to help him.
We asked him if he was O.K. and helped him back up. Fortunately, it was a minor fall, and he was able to get right back up and continue riding. The reason he dropped back was because he decided to do a “trick.”
This story reminds me of our lives as men. We always want to do life “on our own.” Although there are moments we need alone time for self-reflection, the majority of times, we should be in community with other brothers. We fail to realize the strength in unity and the potential dangers of isolation.
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 for yourself. What do these verses say to you? Meditate on it, memorize it, do whatever it takes for it to sink in.
Face the Facts:
What fellow brother can you turn to when trouble comes? Make a list. Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest.
Forge in Fellowship:
What will you do to strengthen a relationship with a fellow brother today for tomorrow’s troubles? Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.