Like all newborns, my children also cried to express different needs. Whether it was hunger, fatigue, or discomfort, crying was the way they communicated. At first, it was overwhelming trying to figure out what they needed.
In time, however, my wife and I got better at interpreting their needs. When the babies started crying, we went down a checklist of possibilities and used a process of elimination to determine what they needed. As a result, they also learned to rely on us to fulfill their needs.
Unlike us, our heavenly Father always knows what we need. More than that, he watches over all of his creation with tender care and an attentive ear. Psalm 104:21 states that even young lions roar for their needs, and God hears them.
It’s encouraging to know that if he cares and provides for all creation this way, how much more valuable are we to him. Take time today to roar and let God know your needs!
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on Psalm 104:21-23 for yourself. What do these verses say to you? Meditate on it, memorize it, do whatever it takes for it to sink in.
Face the Facts:
What need or needs are your struggling with? How does this make you feel? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest.
Forge in Fellowship:
Take this need or needs and cry out to God for him to help you. Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.