On February 24th, 2012 Adrian Vazquez and his two friends, Oropeces Betancourt, 24, and Fernando Osorio, 16, decided to head out on a fishing trip. The fishing trip had started out well enough recalls Adrian. The three friends caught plenty of fish but the boat’s engine suddenly died. Without tools and little no navigational experience, they began to drift out to sea.
They ended up drifting out into the Pacific Ocean for almost 16 days surviving on rain water and fish they caught. They then spotted their salvation, a large white cruise ship. Adrian immediately began waving a dark red sweater to get the ship’s attention. It worked because birdwatchers with powerful spotting scopes on the promenade deck of the ship saw their little boat miles away. They immediately notified some staff of the situation but the requests were ignored.
The cruise ship didn’t stop. The fishing boat then drifted another two weeks before it was found. By then, Vasquez’s two friends had died.
Read and meditate James 5:20. What do these verses tell you?
How many people do you pass by everyday “stranded” and on their way to eternal death?
Meditate / Make It Real:
What will you do today to save the lost? How will you answer the emergency call you’ve been hearing?