A couple of months ago, I saw flowers start to sprout from my mango tree. This flowering is typical in mango season, which begins around February, not in December. It appears the mango season arrived early this year.
This occurrence may not appear odd to many people because most can easily walk into a supermarket and buy almost any kind of fruit at any time of the year. The reality, however, is that there are designated seasons for certain fruits.
In a world where instant gratification is the norm, waiting is hard. We want things immediately, and waiting is not an option. However, scripture tells us we sometimes have to wait. We may not like it, but there’s a purpose for it.
My tree humbly reminds me there are seasons for everything. Eventually, the tiny green fruit will turn a ripe orange-red. When that day comes, I will enjoy the delicious sweetness all the more. For now, all I can do is watch and wait.
FX3 Fuel For Fire:
Read and meditate on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. What do these verses say to you?
What area or areas in your life are you anxiously waiting for something to happen?
How will you hand that area or those areas over to God?