Not long ago, a good friend and mentor passed away after years of struggling with various health issues. Throughout the years, we had many conversations on topics such as careers, family, love, and life in general. There is over one significant chat that still stands out from all the others.
As we discussed my career trajectory, I grew curious about his perspective on the numerous national and international awards he’d won in the industry. At one point, he earned recognition as a Hall of Famer. Impressed by all his accomplishments, I asked him where all those awards were. He looked at me for a while and then replied, “They’re all in a closet at home.” I then asked him what he did with them. “I occasionally go into the closet and look at them to reminisce.” “What else?” I asked.
“Nothing. It’s just good to go back remind myself about accomplishing something, so few others have. To be known as that guy. Afterward, I close the door and go back to the real world.” Tragically this commitment came at a high cost as he also mentioned the results—a distant relationship with his children, financial hardship, and a couple of failed marriages. He eventually found happiness but yet struggled with his sense of identity.
This story reminds me of how scripture tells us where to store our treasures.
FX3 Fuel For Pray:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on Matthew 6:19. What does this verses say to you?
Face the Facts:
What treasures are you storing up and what is their value to others? How many of these accomplishments have eternal rewards?
Forge in Fellowship:
How will you start to store up treasures in heaven and what will it take? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.