Not long ago, I switched back to drinking tea. I enjoy taking the tea leaves, stuffing them in a stainless steel filter, and then pouring the boiling water. Until recently, I was boiling water in a saucepan, but after a few incidences of forgetting and leaving the pan on the stove, I decided it was time to buy a tea kettle.
I purchased the tea kettle for the whistling sound it makes when the water comes to a boil. This whistling sound would most certainly alert me and anyone in the house I was boiling water. However, the problem was that when I brought it home and used it for the first time, I could barely hear the whistle.
This situation was a problem because I purchased the tea kettle or this very reason, to warm me. Instead of immediately returning it, I chose to do some quick research to see if I could find an easy solution. I then discovered similarities between a tea kettle and volcanoes.
According to an article on volcanic research, before a volcano erupts, there are a series of small earthquakes, like warning shots. These small earthquakes build up in frequency leading to the eruption, which can cause something called “harmonic tremor.” They theorize that if you were right above where the magma was resonating, with your ear to the ground, you could hear the harmonic tremor. Unfortunately, it would be the last thing you hear right before a deadly explosion.
This story reminds me of how we all need to be listening for warning sounds before it’s too late. Whether it be your wife, girlfriend, children, family member, friends, or employer, people usually start to vent subtly. You need to listen to what they’re saying or doing because if you wait too long to act, you’ll eventually encounter a dangerous and deadly eruption.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on James 1:19-22 for yourself.
Think about a recent conversation with someone important in your life. What did you hear? Be real; be honest.
Today focus on one way you will actively listen to that person. Be specific and write it down. Then specify how you will know you’ve been successful.
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