When we arrived to celebrate a good friend’s birthday, my friend introduced my wife and me to some of his friends. After some casual conversation, we sat down to dinner with this great couple, Phil and Gina. We discussed everything from travel to work and even how we all met our mutual friend in common. It was enjoyable finding many things in common.
As we all ordered our desserts, the conversation then steered toward health-related stories. Phil then recounted how he recently encountered a potentially life-threatening situation. He started the story by telling us how he felt a slight pain in his calf a couple of months ago after a long walk. Not too concerned, he let it go until a couple of days later it was still there. Now sensing this could be something more serious, he headed toward urgent care.
They took some vitals, asked a few questions, and then did some diagnostics. One of these diagnostic tests was an ultrasound of his leg. During the test, they had a casual chit-chat, and then when the technician finished, she told Phil the doctor would come back with results. Shortly after, the doctor told Phil he was lucky to be alive as his leg pain was due to a blood clot. Further diagnostics revealed how the blood in his leg came from two other clots in his lungs.
Astounded, Phil then told us how, despite the prognosis, he felt at peace. He said that he took a quick inventory of his life within the minutes that passed after the news. Phil told us how he first thought about his relationship with God, then his family, and finally, everything else he’d accomplished. Phil then said he had a renewed sense of life and an opportunity to do more when giving him a treatment plan.
His story makes me think of how we all have a new opportunity to do something more with our lives every day we wake up. It’s like God refills our “time” account so that we make the most of it. How are you making the most of what you have?
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Psalm 90:12.
Pray and ask God to give you the wisdom on how to make the most of your days for Him.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Continue to pray the verse and meditate on the thought: How will you make the most every day for Him?
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.