Driving by the port, I took notice of the massive cargo ships lining the shore. If you’ve stopped to take note, there are some markings on the hull of the vessel. These are Plimsoll marks.
In the 1860s, ship merchants eager to extract the most profit from their cargo started to overload ships. This decision caused a lot of ship losses and life. Upon seeing this, British MP Samuel Plimsoll took up the cause to find a solution. The solution was the Plimsoll line or the Plimsoll mark.
The Plimsoll mark is a circle with a horizontal line through it to show the maximum draft of a ship. Over the years, the Plimsoll mark was revised and adapted to account for different water densities, temperatures, and other expected water conditions.
This story reminds me we should all have a “load line” for our life. We need to continually check how much we’re putting on ourselves as well as being put on us. If we don’t, we run the risk of running our life aground, causing much loss and damage.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Mark 6:31-32 for yourself.
What loads in your life are weighing you down? How will you unload them? Be real, be honest, and be vulnerable.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Create a plan of action on how you will unload, monitor and take precaution to avoid overload. Be specific.
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Share this with another man and have them hold you accountable.