During our daily walks to school I try to impart as much wisdom as I can to my sons. The other day one of our talks focused on the topic of “finding the formula”. I told him that I’ve found the most success in life when I’ve been able to find the formula. Most importantly, incorporating God into the equation.
In the movie “Hidden Figures”, Katherine Coleman (one of a team of genius female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program) is brought in when a problem arises in the control room. Apparently, it appears the IBM computer’s calculations for Glenn’s flight don’t match the previous day’s.
This means that without these correct calculations, it’s not safe for the crew to take off. Katherine checks these numbers by hand. As a result, she identifies the correct set of figures and saves the day. She was able to find the correct figures by running complex mathematic formulas she’s learned over years of study.
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Psalm 86. What does this verse say to you?
What “formulas” have worked for you in past or present?
Meditate / Make It Real:
How many of these formulas can you incorporate God into the equation for better results ?