Today, there’s a lot of talk on immigration and how we need to limit those coming into the country. The reality is that many forgot that the United States was not always the superpower it was and how foreigners played a role in positioning the country where it is today.
Before the first World War, the U.S. was primarily an isolationist country. Shortly after, advances in technology and travel and political climate changes made the U.S. attractive for new talent. Leading up to World War II, the U.S. continued to attract disenfranchised scientists and scholars. Winston Churchill recognized the scientists’ importance during this time, saying that the Axis powers were idiots to expel these brilliant minds from their countries. Seeing their potential, he would welcome these foreigners to the U.S. as a technological advantage needed to win the war.
As a result, the U.S. was able to outpace the Axis powers and eventually ushered in an area of explosive growth in science, technology, and the arts.
Notable immigrants include Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Levi Strauss, Joseph Pulitzer, Ieoh Ming Pei, Sergey Brin, Mario Molina, Andrew Grove, Amar Bose, and countless others. However, as immigrants, they did not render their ethnicity or cultural background. Instead, they used all of their talent, skills, and knowledge for the benefit of others.
Their stories remind me how we forget we are citizens of God’s kingdom. If you think about it, we’re all foreigners in a foreign land. We don’t give up our personality, what makes us, us. But instead, we’re to use all of our God-given talents, resources, and gifts for His kingdom.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Revelation 7:9-10.
Take and inventory of all your talents, resources, and gifts? Pray and ask God for revelation and guidance.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how you will apply your talents, resources, and gifts for His kingdom. List practical ways to do this.
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.