As a kid growing up, one of the greatest joys was attending the local youth fair. The rides which attracted me the most were the one that were fast. It also included rides which soared high above. Looking back, these were the rides which gave me the sensation of propelling me “forward”. The rides gave me the feeling that I felt I was going somewhere.
Contrast this to the rides I despised. These were the ones which only spun around in circles. They included the tilt-o-whirl or teacups. Not only did these rides make me nauseous, I despised the feeling of going around in circles. Spinning endlessly with no way out. The feeling I was going nowhere, fast.
Bringing this back to the everyday. Many of us live our lives caught up in the endless, vicious cycle of sin or frustration with no way out. We believe that once we get on that ride, there’s no way out. Some us have even given into the lie we will live a lifetime of coming back to the same issue over and over again. Nothing can be further from the truth. It’s time you got off the spinning ride and start living life on the open road.
Read and meditate Isaiah 43:18-19. What do these verses tell you?
What habits, beliefs or actions keep you stuck in an endless cycle? What are the results?
Meditate / Make It Real:
What will you do today to step out and onto the open road God wants you to travel with him?