As he finished loading up the rented moving truck and his Jeep unto the trailer, he received the call from his new employer. J.C’s new boss stated he needed a specific paramedic certification before starting his new job. Somewhat disappointed, he decided to continue with his relocation plans.
At this stage, he couldn’t go back. He and his wife still believed this to be a blessing. Now, it seemed, he would be living in Georgia on his own. They had invested their remaining savings in renting an apartment and all other expenses associated with the move in anticipation of his new job.
As he started the drive up north with his brother, he contemplated the months apart from his wife and kids and was concerned about passing the certification exam. Everything had occurred so quickly it was still a blur. Regardless, he pressed on. About an hour into a twelve-hour drive, his brother noticed sparks coming from the towing trailer. Concerned, they pulled over.
When they pulled over, they realized the vehicle towing trailer tire was on fire. J.C. then immediately reached into his Jeep to pull out the fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, the fire extinguisher malfunctioned, and when he tried to get into his car to unload it off the trailer, he fell, thereby injuring and burning himself.
The fire then climbed unto his Jeep; realizing there was nothing they could do, they watched as the flames consumed his beloved Jeep. He witnessed the years invested and memories made with the Jeep burn up in an instant.
Despite all this, J.C has stood firm in his faith. His commitment to follow through on what God has called him to do is steadfast. What’s more, his wife has encouraged them to press on.
Their story reminds me of how there is no guarantee life will be easy-going and straightforward, even when God is guiding us. What is guaranteed is that God will be with us when we encounter trials and tribulations. His main concern is the spiritual, not the physical. When we persevere, he promises to reward our faithfulness.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on James 1:2-6.
How do you handle life’s trials and troubles when they come? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God for the wisdom to understand or accept the trail. Then remind yourself God will strengthen and reward you for your faithfulness.
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.