When we purchased our home almost twelve years ago, it came with a poinciana tree in the front yard. From the looks of it, the tree was planted nearly 30 years ago. It has a majestic canopy, and when it blooms, the flowers are a beautiful orange-red. Despite all this, the tree is detrimental to the home.
The very things that make the tree esthetically beautiful also make it destructive. The issue is it sheds leaves multiple times a year, and the tiny leaves clog the car and pool filters. It also sheds branches that tend to fall unannounced on the cars. Lastly and most dangerous, the root system.
It appears after so many years; the root system has managed to make it’s way to the drain field, under the driveway and the sidewalk. They’ve even reached under the neighbor’s driveway and into the street. What started as an innocent seedling is now wreaking havoc and destructive outcomes all around.
I don’t believe the original owners ever imagined this would be the case thirty years ago. The story of this poinciana tree reminds me of sin in our life. Although it may look enticing and beautiful, when we let the seed of sin take root, eventually, it will silently grow into every area of your life until it reaps a harvest of destruction.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Proverbs 7:7-27 for yourself.
What sin has taken root in your life? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Create a plan of action on how you will rip out those habits, triggers or actions which lead you to sin. Be specific.
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