“Honey, did you remember about the kid’s party next week?” my wife asked me. “What party?” I replied. “The one I told you about last night, remember?” “You did?” I replied, bewildered. “Yes, you even said O.K. and that you would take them,” she answered.
Even after more than 60 hours of training and hundreds of hours of listening as a certified Leadership & Life coach, I’m still strengthening my listening skills in my relationships. Listening is a lost art form; many will go through life, never mastering. However, listening is, by far, the most powerful tool for a healthy relationship. More specifically, active listening.
Active listening is the deliberate and conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, taking in the complete message. The only way to do this is to pay very close and concentrated attention to the other person.
To enhance your listening skills, you need to let the other person know that you are listening to what they are saying. This type of listening requires repetition, feedback, confirmation gestures, eye contact, etc. It’s very involved but also very rewarding.
All of this reminds me of what scripture says in James 1:19. In essence, we’ve got two ears and one mouth, so use them accordingly.
FX3 Daily D:
Focus on Truth:
Read and meditate on James 1:19. What does this verse say to you?
Face the Facts:
On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your listening skills? How can you be sure?
Forge in Fellowship:
What will you do today to start improving your listening skills? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.