I admit something that only my mother and immediate family know; I’m a picky eater. So what makes me a picky eater? I eat to enjoy a meal, not necessarily as a function of survival. I know it sounds crazy but hear me out.
I enjoy cooking, and when I cook, I do my best to prepare the very best meal. To achieve these results, I test, taste, improve, and then perfect the recipe. As an example, it’s taken me over four years to perfect the pancake. It’s rewarding to hear my kids exclaim it s the best pancake they’ve ever had every week.
To be clear, I’m not seeking perfection when I cook. What I’m looking for is that every bite is better than the last. That a person enjoy each bite so much, they take their time savoring the meal. For me, eating should be an experience, not a chore. It’s immensely satisfying watching people enjoy a meal I’ve taken the time and effort to prepare.
All of this said, my family considers me a “picky eater” because I don’t like eating the same meal twice. The reason is that it’s challenging to replicate the same experience twice with the same meal. Something freshly cooked does not taste the same when it’s reheated, especially when it’s frozen!
I know this is a flaw of mine, and it reminds me a lot of how the Israelites also turned their noses up at God’s blessing of provision. Initially elated by the manna from heaven, they later complained about it and demanded meat. The fascinating thing about this story is that they already had more than enough to eat but wanted more. They remembered a time whereby everything was abundant and “freshly made.”
Now they had to preserve, store, and possibly eat cold food. Today join me in evaluating whether, like the Israelites and me, you are a picky eater. Are you focused on more comfort, more money, or more of something you wish was in abundance?
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on Numbers 11:1-14.
What do you wish you had more of? things in your life are you grateful for? Pray and ask God for satisfaction with what you have.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how will remind yourself daily on the blessing you already have, not just once a year. What is your plan of action?
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.