I started weight training almost 30 years ago. I remember when I first began, I could barely do a pull-up. In time, however, my muscles grew bigger and became stronger due to the continuous training.
Muscle size and strength increases when someone continually pushes the muscles to deal with higher levels of resistance or weight. Surprisingly, muscle growth occurs when the fibers of the muscles sustain damage or injury. As a result, the body repairs the damaged fibers by fusing them, thus increasing the mass and size of the muscles.
Our spiritual muscle is the same. We continuously undergo trials and tribulations to strengthen our faith. We should then welcome trouble with joy as it’s an opportunity to grow and become stronger. In time our spiritual muscle will be strong enough to take on any situation that comes before us and emerge victorious!
FX3 Daily D:
Read and meditate on James 1:2-12. What do these verses say to you?
What were some of the hardest times in your life and how did you get through them?
Meditate / Make It Real:
How will you strengthen your spiritual muscle in preparation for the challenges ahead?