Over the years, I’ve worked with well over 100+ start-ups, entrepreneurs, and businesses. They initially hire us to help them find their “voice” and clarity as a company or brand. One of the very first steps in helping these people is by conducting an audit.
This audit takes an average of two hours, and we discuss every aspect of their business. From their revenue goals to their ideal clients, the product or service they sell, and even the reason they started the company. Without fail, there is one question I ask during the process that stumps everyone. Although it seems like a simple question at first, it isn’t easy to answer when they think about it.
“What business are you in?” Initially, everyone gives an obvious answer. We sell widgets for x, provide services for y, help people with z, etc. I then re-ask the question with “What business are you really in?” At first, they usually repeat the answer, but when I emphasize “really,” it challenges them to think deeper. After a while and further discussion, they find their real reason for being.
It’s a rewarding moment for them and me as I see their eyes light up with this “aha!” moment. It’s also the beginning of a new chapter in their quest to find clarity and success. From that moment on, it changes the way they approach their business and the actions they take.
Today’s simple verse reminds us that we are all on a specific mission in life. God has appointed each of us with a unique set of talents and skillsets. Often, people, things, or situations will attempt to take us off our mission, but when you know with certainty what you’re on this earth for, nothing will distract you.
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on John 6:15.
What mission does God have you on? Pray and ask God for direction and clarity.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Determine how will accomplish the mission and stay the course. What is your plan of action?
Share / Show:
Share what you’ve learned with someone else.